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complete list of works





Midspaces for clarinet, violin, cello and piano

Concert Étude for piccolo


back-worlds for instrumental ensemble and vacuum cleaner

Nocturne Parisien for acoustic guitar and double bass

I Frantumi del continuo for clarinet, accordion and piano 

Anamnesis. The Plato Dialogues in Three Scenes for instrumental ensamble and dancers

Monzabout - performance





Musical Writings of Karol Szymanowski for SATB a cappella choir

Dziecię nam się rodzi for SATB a cappella choir

Le botteghe color cannella. Le maschere for soprano, oboe, bass clarinet and percussion 

Three East Facing Windows for orchestra 

Zapragnienia for solo violin - 1/4 Karlův most



RGB for alto saxophone and timpani

Una variazione spettrale for solo piano

Three East Facing Windows for piano and 13 instruments / piano and orchestra - 2014

Шестaя мелодия (The Sixth Melody) to the Cycle of 5 Melodies for violin and piano op. 35 by S.Prokofiev

Drei barometrische Lieder for soprano, upright piano and aeolian harp or tape  - 1/3 Windgesang. Lied ohne Worte

Allegretto for string quartet

Piano variations

Sei variazioni per organo





Concert Ouverture for chamber orchestra

Conto alla rovescia per due violini

Crucem Tuam adoramus for SATB a cappella choir

Il Congiuntivo for bassoon, horn and cello

Józef Koffler in memoriam for flute, oboe and string trio

Scherzo for solo piano / for orchestra - 2014

Two Miniatures for string quartet





Fantasy for clarinet and piano

Roztocze - piano miniatures

Sonata in a minor for flute, violin, cello and piano





Allemande for solo piano

Gloria in excelsis Deo for trumpet and piano

Prelude for solo piano


















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