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2020-06-07 01.23.30 1.jpg


by Simon Holden



Paweł Siek

born on May 8th, 1993 in Lublin (Poland). In 2012 he received a piano honours degree from T. Szeligowski School of Music in Lublin.

He studied composition with Prof. Wojciech Widłak at the Academy of Music in Kraków, Poland (2012–18), with Prof. Alessandro Solbiati at the Milan Conservatory, Italy (2013–14) and under the tutelage of Dr. Steve Rouse and Dr. Krzysztof Wołek at the University of Louisville School of Music, USA (2017). He also studied electroacustic composition under Prof. Marek Chołoniewski and Dr. Krzysztof Wołek, while presently he is working towards a PhD in Composition at the Academy of Music in Kraków in the class of Prof. Wojciech Widłak.

Paweł Siek has consulted his works with Alvin Lucier, Yann Robin, Christian Wolf, Alex Mincek, George E. Lewis, Alla Zagaykevych, Clemens Gadenstätter, Zygmunt Krauze, David Dzubay, Hanna Kulenty, Jerzy Kornowicz, Martin Schüttler. He was a participant of Ostrava Days Institute 2015, LimenMusic Masterclass 2015 in Narni, isa Internationale Sommerakademie 2016 in Vien, New Music Courses in Lviv 2017 Spółdzielnia Muzyczna Composition Workshops 2018 in Kraków.

Paweł Siek's music has been performed in Poland, Germany, Belgium, Slovakia, Austria, Estonia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, China, United States and Australia,

during such festivals, as:

Ostrava Days, Warsaw Autumn, European Music Festival Neerpelt, aXes Kraków, Orfeus Festival Bratislava, Elementi Kraków, New Music Festival Louisville, Contrasts Lviv, La Folle Journée Warsaw, mdw Festival Vienna, Intenrational Festival of Kraków Composers, Festival in Stalowa Wola, W. Lutosławski Forum in Lublin,

by — among others —

Sinfonia Varsovia, Lviv Symphonic Orchestra, mdi Ensemble, SortHul Ensemble, Ensemble U:, EnsembleSpectrum, Canticum Ostrava, HashtagEnsemble, Spółdzielnia Muzyczna, Nostri Temporis

and by soloists:

Iwona Glinka, Parker Ramsay, Ross Carrey, Michael Kieran Harvey, Nazar Stets.


It has been released on CD editions in Poland, Australia and Slovakia, and was transmited by Slovak National Radio Slovenský rozhlas, New York's Upper Hudson Valley Radio and Swedish Göteborgs Studentradio: K103, as well as issued by The Shanghai Conservatory of Music Publishers.


Paweł Siek is a laureate of several composers competitions, including  1st Prize at the 10th Z. Mycielski Composers Competition in Warsaw, 2nd prize at the International Competition in Denver (2016), 1st and 3rd Prize at the Polish Composers Competition in Bydgoszcz (2012), 2nd prize at the Sinfonia Varsovia's "Warsaw Polonaise for Independent" Composers Competition (2018). He became a finalist of International Stanisław Moniuszko Composers' Competition issued by the Polish National Opera (2019) and the finalist of DYCE – Discovering Young Composers of Europe Programme (2019). In 2016 he was awarded the prize of The Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.


 He's also an Italian Interpreter, music editor and snowboarder.​



Paweł Siek

composer and sound artist,

(re)creates inner and outer contexts out of (space) places, sounds, ~objects,

times, and life; some of them get sorted into multinarrative compositions.

born on May 1993 in Lublin, Poland.​

He studied composition with Prof. Wojciech Widłak at the Academy of Music in Kraków, Poland (2012–18), Prof. Alessandro Solbiati at the Milan Conservatory, Italy (2013–14),

Prof. Steve Rouse and Dr. Krzysztof Wołek at the University of Louisville – School of Music, USA (2017); and electroacustic composition under Prof. Marek Chołoniewski and

Dr. Krzysztof Wołek.

Currently he is working towards a Ph.D. in composition at the Academy of Music in Kraków under Prof. W. Widłak and Dr. Marcin Pączkowski (University of Washington).

In 2022-23 pursuing his doctorate research at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg  with Prof. Fredrik Schwenk, and at the HfMT's Mutlimedia Composition Department – with Prof. Alexander Schubert, Prof. Georg Hajdu, Grégory Beller and others.


He has consulted his works with Alvin Lucier, Yann Robin, Christian Wolf, Alex Mincek, George E. Lewis, Alla Zagaykevych, Clemens Gadenstätter, Zygmunt Krauze, David Dzubay, Hanna Kulenty, Jerzy Kornowicz, Martin Schüttler. He was a participant of Ostrava Days Institute 2015, LimenMusic Masterclass 2015 in Narni, isa Internationale Sommerakademie 2016 in Vien, New Music Courses in Lviv 2017 Spółdzielnia Muzyczna Composition Workshops 2018 in Kraków.

His music has been performed in Poland (Grand Theatre–National Opera in Warsaw, Kraków Philharmonic, Lublin Philharmonic), Germany (Theater Schewere Reiter), Belgium, Slovakia (Budova Slovenského rozhlasu, Austrian Cultural Forum Bratislava), Austria (Schloss Raichenau), Estonia, Ukraine (Lviv Philharmonic), Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Ireland (Hugh Line Gallery), United States, China and Australia.


during such festivals, as:

Ostrava Days, Warsaw Autumn, European Music Festival Neerpelt, aXes Kraków, Orfeus Festival Bratislava, Elementi Kraków, New Music Festival Louisville, Contrasts in Lviv, Melos-Ethos in Bratislava, La Folle Journée in Warsaw,

isa Musikfestival – mdw Vienna, International Festival of Kraków Composers, Festival in Stalowa Wola, Festival of Science and the Arts in Kraków, "Illuminations" Festival in Kraków, Witold Lutosławski Forum in Lublin, Krzysztof Penderecki: Europe in Tribute to the Master in Dublin

by — among others —

Sinfonia Varsovia, Lviv Symphonic Orchestra, mdi Ensemble, Hard Rain SoloistsEnsemble, SortHul Ensemble, Ensemble U:, EnsembleSpectrum, Canticum Ostrava, Hashtag Ensemble, Spółdzielnia Muzyczna Contemporary Ensemble, Nostri Temporis, Concept Store Quartet

and by the Soloists:

Iwona Glinka, Parker Ramsay, Ross Carrey, Michael Kieran Harvey,

Nazar Stets, Ghenadie Rotari.


It has been released on CD editions in Poland, Australia and Slovakia, and was transmited by Slovak National Radio Slovenský rozhlas, New York's Upper Hudson Valley Radio and Swedish Göteborgs Studentradio: K103, as well as issued by The Shanghai Conservatory of Music Publishers.


Paweł Siek is a laureate of several composers competitions, including  1st Prize at the 10th Z. Mycielski Composers Competition in Warsaw, 2nd prize at the International Competition in Denver (2016), 1st and 3rd Prize at the Polish Composers Competition in Bydgoszcz (2012), 2nd prize at the Sinfonia Varsovia's "Warsaw Polonaise for Independent" Composers Competition (2018). He became a finalist of International Stanisław Moniuszko Composers' Competition issued by the Polish National Opera (2019) and the finalist of DYCE – Discovering Young Composers of Europe Programme (2019). In 2016 he was awarded the prize of The Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

 He's also an Italian Interpreter, music editor and snowboarder.​

(Are May borns successful?_

can you be alive in other times?}

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